One day, a young girl named Alice suddenly spots a frantic White Rabbit, wearing a waistcoat and carrying a pocket watch. She follows the hurried creature down a hole into the magical world of Wonderland. While there, Alice meets more crazy creatures, including the Mad Hatter, the Caterpillar, and the Cheshire Cat, and plays a twisted game of croquet with the Queen of Hearts. But when the Queen turns against her, this dream-like world quickly becomes a nightmare.
Library Ebook
Alice in Wonderland
Author | Lewis Carroll, Martin Powell, Daniel Ferran |
Release | 9–1–2009 |
Audience | Juvenile |
Publisher | Capstone |
Imprint | Stone Arch Books |
ISBN | 9781666309256 |
Subjects | Classic Literature, Comic and Graphic Books, Juvenile Fiction, Juvenile Literature |