Woman's World

Cover Image: Woman's World

A great week made easy! Woman’s World is written for the traditional, family-oriented working woman. Each issue delivers a feel-good mix of heart-warming human interest stories, practical everyday solutions for work and home, and mouth-watering recipes.

Fill your week with smiles!

Start your week with a Laugh!

Relax and have fun this week

It happened this week!

The best new holiday books

Christmas trees give hope to military families! • For many military families, the holidays can be difficult, emotionally and financially. But thanks to the Trees for Troops program, hundreds of their homes and hearts are filled with Christmas cheer every year

3 ways to spread Christmas cheer to those in need!

Dazzle in gem-toned velvet! • Look elegant while staying cozy in the lush fabric, perfect for any holiday festivities!

Wow with a plush velvet mani • It’s easy with these 3 steps from @TheNailMystic on Instagram

Suddenly slimmer no diet necessary! • Boost your holiday confidence with these simple, cost-effective and fast-acting DIY beauty remedies that ‘melt away’ pounds from head to toe

The glowing key to gorgeous in seconds! • A touch of blush not only enlivens skin but, applied strategically, it can enhance any face shape. Here’s how

Hearty One-Pot Beef Stew

Speed-heal a sluggish thyroid • If you’re feeling tired and less than festive, a slow thyroid may be the culprit. The gland acts as the body’s thermostat, and keeping you warm can overtax it. In fact, cold weather raises the risk of thyroid slowdowns by 44%. That’s a problem since the thyroid also regulates mood and metabolism. Luckily, studies show optimizing thyroid function helps you burn twice as much belly fat, increases energy by 75% and cuts the odds of blue moods by 56%. Just…

Sidestep sneaky meno-bothers • As levels of estrogen dip during menopause, up to 85% of us notice sneaky symptoms like joint pain, GI trouble and bladder bothers - without realizing that shifting hormones are to blame. Addressing these under-the-radar symptoms is often all it takes to feel like yourself again

Dodge the germiest home hot spots • Welcoming holiday visitors into your home also means inviting in germs. No better time to germ-proof! Microbiologist Charles Gerba, PhD, a University of Arizona professor whose expertise has earned him the nickname “Dr. Germ,” reveals the top 5 germiest spots in your home - and how to clean them

60 seconds to stress-free! • As fun as it is to spend time with loved ones, go-go-go days leave 63% of us feeling tense. But these tricks curb tension fast

Pantry cures for thicker hair • These mix-ins give hair a dose of va-va-volume to camouflage thinning locks

Peppermint oil cured my stomach issues! • Suffering with severe indigestion, dentist Jennifer Silver was plagued by bloat and gas that not only caused her physical pain but also left her embarrassed as she treated patients. Finally, relying on her medical training, she found a refreshing, natural remedy

More natural ways to tame embarrassing holiday GI symptoms

Lose 15 lbs this week* • Discovery! This ‘forgotten’ veggie jump-starts an aging metabolism and speeds weight loss by up to 748%!

Watercress meals are easy, tasty + slimming!

Watercress Soup

Enjoy yourself - without worry! • Eat, drink and be merry without body backlash? Yes please! These clever tricks help you enjoy your favorite indulgences while still feeling great

Help! I suffer from gift guilt! • From pricey presents that make you feel bad to surprise gestures that throw you for a loop, we have easy ways to curb the guilt of gift season

Our expert panel

Host a holiday cookie party! • Celebrate the season with a cookie-decorating bash!…